This blog is dedicated to the decoding of the central concepts, names and narratives in Christianity using the gematriot.
Monday, November 9, 2020
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Dear Rabbis: Please, Shut Up.
Dear Rabbis:
It is not Wisdom to offer platitudes and stoic suggestions about how best to cope with a corrupted world. Hope is the illusion of those who look to an illusory future for salvation. The Wise don't deal in hope. Doing so may generate speaking gigs at handsome hourly rates, but doesn't perfect the world.
The Wise see what is being born from the beginning. That is to say, Wisdom is knowing how to learn Torah such that we bring the very best into creation, not try to cope with the mess after we birth degenerate reality. Only correct Torah learning translates the Written and Oral Torah, which are one and the same, into Eternal, Holy Worlds.
Until you can do so, at least have the decency not to flood the Creation with Babylonian swill.
The substitution values that I have mentioned herein, and more, are to be found on my Facebook page and on my groups:
תחית מלכות דוד and DECODING CHRISTIANITY
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
The Tricksters Posing As Rabbis Upon Whose House HaShem Has Brought a Plague
If someone where to claim
to have a PhD in Basho's Haiku, but upon being spoken to in Japanese revealed
that they knew only a smattering of Japanese, certainly not enough to
understand Basho, never mind study him in depth; that person would be taken for
a fraud, a trickster and a fool for making a claim that could be so easily
discovered to be a ruse.
And here we have people who claim to have Rabbinical ordination who know only a smattering of Hebrew.
Forgive me if I call you all out for the frauds, fools and tricksters that you "Rabbis" are and have been since the first exile.
Knowing Hebrew goes way beyond being able to read the Hebrew "news", converse in street Hebrew and add far too many unnecessary letters when writing, as most of the "Rabbis" in Israel are wont to do.
Knowing Hebrew is knowing Hebrew grammar, syntax, the cantillations and knowing how to apply the substitution values correctly. This is what the Oral Torah is and anyone who does not know that does not know Oral Torah at all but has been force fed, and is regurgitating back, Babylonian slop mixed with a bit of "Yiddishkeit" to impart some flavor - like the soda pop that has 5% reconstituted fruit juice.
Your misunderstanding of HaMashiach brought the Christian pox upon the world. It was a foregone conclusion, according to your erroneous description and criteria of Mashiach, that some narcissistic nut wing would come along and say he fits the bill. Well, fellas, your bill ain't the bill and never was. You're almost as off kilter as Yeshu was. And that's no big surprise, because you're almost as narcissistic as he was, which is the reason you can't see Torah correctly in the first place.
Your trick, fake Jews, has been discovered and HaShem has brought a plague upon you for all the world to see. There will be no more Babylonian magic masquerading as Torah in this world. All that is being dismantled even as I write this.
Those among you who truly have a Jewish Heart will come back to real Torah. Those of you who are the eruv rav and remain unrepentant will have the towers of Babylon crash upon your heads and the roads of Babylon crumble under your feet.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Thursday, September 10, 2020
The difference between the Jews who sinned and the Christians is this...
Christians: Enjoy the "rapture".
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Adrenochrome: Eucharist & Crucifixion
Christians must face the awful truth if they are to be saved from having
to undergo the full trauma of exposing the Adrenochrome phenomenon.
The Christian religion is the atrocious idea that God allowed the
spilling of Yeshu's blood, horrific torture and death to give you
eternal life. To believe that is to say you plan to live forever on
adrenochrome extracted from Yeshu, that that is the only way to get the
ultimate high (in what you think is heaven) and God is your supplier.
God forbid!
Protestants of all stripes in order to pre-empt your usual fleeing into
the Catholic-Protestant divide to hide your shame and guilt: All
Christians are guilty of this dreadful sin against God and Man, the
Protestants no less than the Catholics! No more of your dirty tricks of
dumping all guilt on the Catholics. You are all filthy with thinking
that you will live forever on someone else's blood.
My interpretations are at least as at variance and in disagreement with
those of the Rabbis than Yeshu's were. No one is calling to have me
nailed. Knowing what it is like to have to go up against the Rabbinical
establishment, I can say with confidence that the claims that the
Pharisees called for Yeshu to be crucified are ugly and false
Sunday, July 19, 2020
If I had my druthers, no one would be born a Jew until they had reached Nirvana as a Buddhist. Only those who have gone beyond incorrect thinking, delusions, dualities, have overcome the tendency to be miserable and have conquered the fear of death can understand Torah correctly. Torah is what we learn after we reach Nirvana. Only a very few Jews in each generation reach the requisite level of self-discipline and self-understanding in the course of their learning Torah, despite the rabbinic distortions, to understand what Torah is really teaching. Ideally, that should be the experience of every Jew who learns Torah.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Emancipation from Exile
Christians need to know that the Jews who interpreted the Texts for them were so out of control of their thoughts and emotions that they were no longer able to interpret the Text. Most of the Rabbinic interpretations of Torah, upon which Christianity necessarily based itself, are distorted.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
How to love and understand your ancestors when you dont know them? | Thich Nhat Hanh
The Wisdom of knowing how to connect with all of our Ancestors - and all of our Descendants - is the Wisdom we must all know.
גּוֹי - שעור בקריאת תושב"ע מתוך תושב"כ

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