Thursday, September 10, 2020


  The difference between the Jews who sinned and the Christians is this...

The Jews lost the Tradition of reading Torah such that it conferred Immortality on us.
The way in which Jews practice Judaism doesn't make their Bodies Immortal but it also does not so corrupt them that they can never become Immortal.
That is why God promises to restore the Covenant - which is having a Holy Immortal Body to the Jews, even knowing we will sin. Our sins, committed in misunderstanding, our foolishness in interpretation don't preclude the restoration of Immortality.
With the Christians the matter is very different. Christian beliefs are an insult to God and an insult to everything God has taught is Holy. Christianity is the very bloody Paganism that God hates and will not forgive. It is Human sacrifice, torture and blood expiation and the worst of all...sacrificing one's own Child.
 Those beliefs so completely corrupt not only the psyche, but the flesh of those who believe them that those who become Christians forfeit their chance of ever becoming Immortal. Their Bodies will all die and rot.
And we Jews, who even in our darkness and confusion, still loved God and still hoped in the Redemption inherit the Promised Land, which is the entire Creation, forever in our Bodies.
We Jews sinned in misinterpretation, yes, but our beliefs are not wholesale effrontery and abomination.

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