Wednesday, February 5, 2020

How to love and understand your ancestors when you dont know them? | Thich Nhat Hanh

The Wisdom of knowing how to connect with all of our Ancestors - and all of our Descendants - is the Wisdom we must all know.
But is it not enough to go back to the generation of Buddah or Moses or Yeshu, or whoever your physical and spiritual ancestors are. We have to go back to the Generation of Adam Kadmon, HaAdam HaRishon - The First.
This is why I keep putting up substitution values of Adam Kadmon.
When we realize that we are Adam Kadmon, we have reached the level of experiencing ourselves as God becoming Human, not making Man, as has been wrongly translated, but becoming Humanity.

If a Jew can connect with Yeshu, not as the Christians do, but as a Cousin we misinterpreted Torah as we all have until we learn better, we can forgive him.

The error of the Rabbis is that they only go back to the time of the P'rushim. We have to go back within ourselves, connect with Adam Kadmon and know that we are Adam Kadmon.
When we read the story of Adam and Chava, we are not reading about them. We are reading about ourselves. Read very carefully, until you see no sin there whatsoever.

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