Wednesday, October 14, 2020


To The Tricksters Posing As Rabbis Upon Whose House HaShem Has Brought a Plague

If someone where to claim to have a PhD in Basho's Haiku, but upon being spoken to in Japanese revealed that they knew only a smattering of Japanese, certainly not enough to understand Basho, never mind study him in depth; that person would be taken for a fraud, a trickster and a fool for making a claim that could be so easily discovered to be a ruse.

And here we have people who claim to have Rabbinical ordination who know only a smattering of Hebrew.

Forgive me if I call you all out for the frauds, fools and tricksters that you "Rabbis" are and have been since the first exile.

Knowing Hebrew goes way beyond being able to read the Hebrew "news", converse in street Hebrew and add far too many unnecessary letters when writing, as most of the "Rabbis" in Israel are wont to do.

Knowing Hebrew is knowing Hebrew grammar, syntax, the cantillations and knowing how to apply the substitution values correctly. This is what the Oral Torah is and anyone who does not know that does not know Oral Torah at all but has been force fed, and is regurgitating back, Babylonian slop mixed with a bit of "Yiddishkeit" to impart some flavor - like the soda pop that has 5% reconstituted fruit juice.

Your misunderstanding of HaMashiach brought the Christian pox upon the world. It was a foregone conclusion, according to your erroneous description and criteria of Mashiach, that some narcissistic nut wing would come along and say he fits the bill. Well, fellas, your bill ain't the bill and never was. You're almost as off kilter as Yeshu was. And that's no big surprise, because you're almost as narcissistic as he was, which is the reason you can't see Torah correctly in the first place.

Your trick, fake Jews, has been discovered and HaShem has brought a plague upon you for all the world to see. There will be no more Babylonian magic masquerading as Torah in this world. All that is being dismantled even as I write this.

Those among you who truly have a Jewish Heart will come back to real Torah. Those of you who are the eruv rav and remain unrepentant will have the towers of Babylon crash upon your heads and the roads of Babylon crumble under your feet.


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