Monday, September 3, 2018

Without Kabbalistic Wisdom Judaism Is 
Painfully Dry by Rabbi Tzadok Cable

This Rabbis is pretty good as they go. That is precisely why I am responding to this video. Nice as he is, he is yet under the spell of the thinking that most Jews are not fit and don't deserve to learn the true Torah.

This is the thinking that brought Christianity and Islam into the world in the first place.

Had the Jews learned true Torah, the scourges of Christianity and Islam would not have come upon the world.

I have been thinking about what is said in this video since watching it yesterday because it disturbed me greatly.

The truth is, there is far more danger in not learning real Torah [what you call Kabbalah is simply real Torah].

The only danger is that in the beginning of learning, the imagination is still not disciplined and people come to some strange conclusions and ideas. But that stage is temporary if one learns properly.

We never stop doing the Mitzvot if we learn real Torah. We stop doing the ridiculous re-enactments of the rabbis who don't understand Torah. And that is a very good thing.

We learn what the Mitzvot really are

המצות = 541 = ישראל  

and we learn what to do means:

לעשות = 806 = ציון

Doing the mitzvot stops being a drudgery and dry and meaningless because we understand what we are doing. We learn Torah on a strictly need to know basis. That is, Truths are not revealed to us until we are morally prepared to understand them properly. The learning itself, of real Torah, as HaShem really intended, refines us and we become morally fit to understand more and more. Our intentions become truly pure and we want nothing but good and health and happiness for the Gentiles, for the animals, for the plants and eventually for "inanimate" matter.

We are never given more power than we know how to handle.

What the rabbis are doing now is not real Torah. I fear that most of the rabbis don't want Jews learning the real Torah because they know that when we do, we see the rabbinical establishment for what it is and we also know how to undo it.

Learning Torah truly is not being guided by the rabbis and their low-level understandings.

We come under the protection and guidance of the greatest and trues of the Tzaddikim - Our Holy Mothers, Our Holy Fathers, The Judges, The Prophets, the Righteous Kings. This is all under the watch of Ein Sof and in accordance with the Will of Ein Sof.

Why would anyone want to learn from a rabbi when they can learn directly from King David and all the Righteous Kings and, for the Women, from Sarah Emeinu [Our Holy Mother Sarah] and all the Holy Mothers and Nevi'iot?

Likewise, the rabbinic version of "Kabbalah" is not more than apologetics for the Talmud, an overdose of Gnosticism and a few words of genuine Torah mixed it to impart a familiar flavor.

The fact that the rabbis don't think that the Jewish People deserve to learn on that level already disqualifies as them as teachers. If they have little faith in us, they have rebelled against the Will of Ein Sof. Who, after all, put us here as Jews?

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