Sunday, September 2, 2018



The world we are living in has been engineered and built on numbers that were emptied of the moral content of the Hebrew numbers.
That is why we experience the world as being essentially without substance.

The materials of this world were conceived without Compassion. They are therefore, essentially corrupt and impermanent.

This world is going to be allowed to disintegrate. Only essential elements based on Holy Values and Substance will remain. Earth Wind Fire and Water will be the means with which all of corrupted matter will be destroyed. In fact, this has been going on for quite some time. It will now become much more evident and pronounced. It will be entirely clear that HaShem is doing this, not any human agency.

The talk about monetary collapse and impending war is essentially meaningless. The economy is based on their morally vacuous numbers. The weapons were designed based on their vacuous numbers. The materials are without substance because they are not Compassion at base.

This will be a total disintegration of that which has no intrinsic moral existence.

Those who genuinely held high moral values dear and those who have not cursed Israel or designed against Israel will make the transition to the world that is through and through and thoroughly the Holy Values of the God of YisraEl.

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