Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Let Us Make Man is Not a Correct
 Translation of נעשה אדם

With Hashem's Help, let us clarify what the sentence wrongly translated as "let us make man" really says.
The sentence נעשה אדם has been misunderstood by the rabbis as being the verb לעשות, which means to make. So, they think it says: Let us make man.
Because of their misunderstanding, they start tripping over their tongues when Christians, even more confused than the rabbis, ask the rabbis what this means if not that God is three - God forbid!
They start mumbling some nonsense about God conferring with the angels.
This sentence does not contain the verb לעשות, to make. It contains the verb להעשות, which means to become. It is in the passive.
The sentence נעשה אדם, is a sentence that has a verb and an object, but no subject.
The reason for this is because it is God on the level above any designation whatsoever, the level above Ein Sof, the level above HaVaYaH, becoming Man, meaning HaYehudim. The Jews.
People make the mistake of thinking that it is from the level of God In And Of God's Self that the creation of Man occurs.
No! It is from the level of Man than the Gentiles are created. HaYehudim create the Gentiles when we learn Torah. That is why it says that Adam is created in Elohim's Image. Torah has already taught us that Elohim is HaYehudim, the Jews.
Psalms 82:6. The designation there is Elohim.
Most Jews are not aware of the fact that they are God embodied. In order to remain embodied We had to be in a state of amnesia. Had we gone into GodConsciousness before the Creation was strong enough to withstand the Influx, the Creation would have been obliterated.
That age is ending. HaYehudim are now becoming able to be in full GodConsciousness and remain in the Creation. The Creation is ready.
This is exactly like every other Mother having to keep her baby protected in the dark, even from her own self, until the fetus is strong enough to be born and viable. Only then can Mother and Child see one another's face and hold one another in their arms.

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