Thursday, December 14, 2017


Translating statements in the Christian Bible back into Hebrew, it becomes clear that Yeshu was conscious of the deeper levels of the Hebrew language.
Many of the things he said are far deeper than what comes through in the translations. Nonetheless, he chose to speak in Aramaic and it is clear too that he, or whoever did the translations, was under the rabbinic influence of anti-Female bias. The deepest levels of Torah that can be revealed in a World are Feminine.

So, what I am going to do herein, with God's help, is to show the deeper levels not only of what Yeshu said on a number of central issues, but also what he did not say or was not translated into the versions of the Christian bible available.

We have to rely on the translation facilities, such as they are on line. It might be worthwhile to copy what I am going to write in Hebrew below into Google's translation facility as well. I think it's better than the one of Facebook, but still far from satisfactory.

Let's begin with the Hebrew words
אבי, translated as my Father, which is numerically equal to 13, which is also the value of the masculine form of the word for one – אחד. To say My Father and I are One is to double the value of 13 to 26 and get the value of the Holy Name of four letters, which is equal to 26. So far so good and correct, but there is so much more that is contained in that statement that either Yeshu himself, or his translators didn't want you to know. Tough. I want you to know. More importantly, God wants you to know.

So let's start with what is contained in the Hebrew value of 13 – that scary number that you're supposed to shy away from.

We may even get around to seeing the holiness in the scariest of all scary numbers 666.

But let's start with 13.

It is important to note at this point that the Hebrew word
הוא, which is equal to 12 and is a form of the name of the letter וו (Vav or Wow) is usually translated at he. However, Torah is not punctuated and this same word which is pronounced hu when punctuated with a שורק is also pronounced he when it is punctuated with a חירק חסר and in that form means she. That's right. He means she. Got that? Good. You're starting to understand that at the higher level of Hebrew consciousness, the lines between and among the phenomena become softer.

Since 12 is obviously contained in 13, we now know that both the words he and she are contained in the words
אבי (my Father), which is equal to 12, which is the value of the word One. Yep, the values blur and blend too when one is not obdurate and insistent.

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