Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Normally, we should not take our thinking cues from movies and should not adopt the “memes” of the movies. In the case of the “matrix”, however, the meme is apt and it is also widely popular. Thus, by employing the term “matrix” we may garner the attention of a far wider audience than if we were to employ Torah terminology, with which few are familiar.

The Torah of Moses is “The Matrix”. Those who control the matrix describe the nature of all of reality. It should be needless to say that this power is immeasurably greater than controlling economies.

To control the matrix of Torah is to determine the nature of time, space, the qualities of energy, the qualities of matter, the paths of the stars and planets and all that is derived therefrom.

When Jews learn Torah, the breath that issues from their nostrils and breath, together with the light that issues from their eyes forms the creation. Their breathe when learning Torah is the Spirit that enlivens the Matter of the letters.

Most Jews are not consciously aware of what I just said. They think that existence is “just there” or created by God who they conceive of only in the third Person and infinitely removed from them. They were told that by the rabbis, whom they trusted. Now, understand that if the Jews pronounce that God exists as some infinitely removed, impossibly lofty other – that is what God becomes. The Jews create God too. That's right. That's what I said. Read it again and let it sink in. God is the Jews' Baby. As we incubate God in the Womb of our Consciousness, so God is.

Again, most Jews are wholly unaware of that and most would jump to call me a heretic. In every generation, there were a few Jews who came to be able to see this and, fearing for being censured, or perhaps even banished, by the rabbinical establishment, learned Torah thus in secret. That is the true Kabbalah, in contradistinction to the claptrap that prevails.

The rabbis taught that the Hebrew root L-M-D means to learn, as most of us understand learning – a process of taking in information, which gradually transforms our consciousness. While this is not entirely untrue, neither is it entirely true. In fact, the Hebrew root L-M-D, which equals 74, is the same value as the Hebrew word חולל, pronounced cholel (guttural ch), which means the one who brings the extant into existence. It is also equal to the value 1073, which is identical to 74, because the letter א, is both 1 and 1000. The value 1073 is the value of the term מתגלם, which means to become incarnate, to assume existence, to take on form. When a Jew learns Torah, a Jew is God coming into existence and will create actuality.

Those who are able to direct how the Jews learn, determine the very nature and properties of reality and all that is in it, both concrete and abstract. The Jews trusted their rabbis and the rabbis led them astray. The rabbis told the Jews to learn such that what the Jews bring into existence is Babylon and not the Holy Land of Israel.

The Rabbis also changed the definitions of terms in Torah. For instance, if one defines the Hebrew word רע, as 'friend' rather than as 'evil', the entire interaction between “the serpent” [who is HaMashiach] and Chava ]Eve] is seen as being very, very different. עץ הדעת טוב ורע [translated unfortunately as 'the tree of the knowledge of good and evil] actually means advice from a good friend. Neither does Torah tell us not to eat from it. That too is an incorrect translation. Actually, Torah tells us how to read and employ every letter in Torah in what appears, due to the rabbis' unintentionally or or intentionally misunderstood rendering, as a prohibition on eating from the tree.

Having discussed, even briefly and perfunctorily, the outcomes of the rabbis' decision to render the termרע in the story of [Beraysheet] as evil rather than as friend; we see that rather than Christianity being a correction of the rabbis' mistakes, it
is based entirely on rabbinical definitions of the terms in Torah and runs yet further afield with those errors.

The task before us, then, is for the Jews to begin to learn Torah not as the rabbis directed them to, but as the Holy Prophets direct us to. The words of the Prophets only seems harsh if we are not adepts at the gematriot and if we insist on attributing negative definitions and connotations to terms in Torah. In reality, all of Torah is a mediation on Peace and every term in Torah is a specific expression and nuance of Peace.

It is absolutely essential that the Jews break out of the rabbinical “matrix” and return to learning Sepher HaTorah in accordance with the Highest Will. If we do, we will, change the entire structure and expression of reality.

Torah is not a book of rituals and strange narratives. It is the interface between God In and Of Itself and the Creation. It is the Book of Life. It is the Book of Reality. It is the Book of Generation and Generations. Thus the Jews must read it. If not, we will continue to live in this unpleasant simulation. It is only when we learn Torah with the highest of intentions for the Creation that we create what is worthy of being called Reality [ISRAEL => IS REAL].

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