Wednesday, November 29, 2017


The most important thing that we will ever understand in Torah is that everything is meant to be actualized. There are no abstracts in Torah. There is nothing “spiritual” in Torah. Everything is meant to be actualized. Even Understanding isn't an abstract. Understanding is those who understand. Understand this!

Numbers are not abstracts. Principles are not abstracts. God's Divine Purpose in the Creation is to become the Creation. God wants to be actualized, to be real, to be palpable, to be touchable. More than anything God wants to be shared.

When God is actualized there is no room for evil. Evil can only exist in the ranges between God and actualization. The spiritual worlds are the worlds in which the demons can exist. The English word demon comes from the Hebrew דמיון, pronounced dimayon, which has been taken to mean imagination, and therefore only shadowy reality. When דמיון takes on its intended existence – as actual form, which is another, more correct meaning of the Hebrew דמיון, then it can only be actuality. Then dimayaon becomes Dominion. I will, with God's help, show the Hebrew proofs below.

Jewish mystics busied themselves with ספירות, pronounced s'pherot. It is usually translated as emanations. The word ספירות is equal to 756, which is also the gematria of מחשבות meaning thoughts.

Had the rabbis looked deeper, they would have seen that ספר is not only book, but, far more importantly and actually, a frontier. They would have understood that all of the highest principles are meant to become actualized frontiers – real villages and town and cities in which the dwellers embody and actualize those qualities and principles.
The would have seen the word שבות meaning actual settlement. Instead of floating around in the disembodied spheres in which unwholesome imaginings can live, they should have gone about the business of making the highest principles actual.

When someone embodies the qualities and principles dearest to God, there is no room in their mind for the error of thinking that someone else can be HaMashiach. They know they are HaMashiach – and they know that anyone who puts in the moral effort can be, is intended by God, to be HaMashiach too.

The Hebrew word שמות, pronounced sh'mot is Names. It is equal to the value 746, and, as such is equal to the Hebrew word מקום, which means place. I have said before that there are no characters for numbers in Hebrew, only their Names. That is to say that all the principles written into the Names of the Numbers are meant to be actualities. The word שמות, rendered as Names, is the value of the expression כפר האמת, which means the town of Truth. We are meant to be People of Truth who inhabit habitations of Truth.

True Torah is infinite concreteness, infinite actuality. That is what Einstein saw when he said that if we attain the speed of light, we attain infinite mass. He meant that when we attain the highest and truest levels of embodying the Wisdom of Torah – we become Infinite Realization, Infinite Actuality. We become God Actualized and this is an immeasurably higher level than God unactualized.

I will show the relevant chilufim (gematriot) directly above, with God's help. This is by no means exhaustive. I'll just show the basics for the time being.

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