Friday, November 24, 2017

The Letter ש

In advance of a deeper discussion, please look at the translation of the terms I'll post below that contain the letter ש.

Most of the problems in Christianity stem from the Rabbis not understanding the letter
ש. Because they did not understand what the letter ש, in every single word and numerical combination in which is appears really means, they got off on the tangents of “atonement” and “ransom” and “expiation”. Once we understand the letter ש correctly, we see that those concepts are milling water and we also see that the concept of the “trinity” is likewise nonsense because the letter ש appears twice in the Hebrew word שלש, which is simplistically rendered as three.

That letter has two pronunciations sh – when the diacritical point is on the right and s when the diacritical point is on the left. Let's not concern ourselves immediately with why that is.

What is immediately important is that both forms have the value of 300. That is the same value of the roots
יצר (pronounced yatzar) which means to form and כפר (pronounced c'far) which is mistranslated as atonement. Yes, translating כפר as atonement or expiation or ransom or any of the other abstract notions is a mistranslation. Torah is not about abstractions. Torah is all about settling in the Holy Land and teaches us how that is done. The Rabbis misinterpreted כפר as atonement and Yeshu took that most unfortunate and dark misinterpretation to it's worst extreme.

The root
כפר means a village; a small, intimate town – one in which the residents all know one another very well. It is also numerically equivalent to the expression כעיר which mean as a city, and is equal to viewed a city and a city celebrated. I'll show the Hebrew proofs below.

Even the famous
כפורים (Kippurim) is not about atonement. The very same value of the word כפורים which is 916 is the value of the name of the Holy City חברון (Hebron).

Let me be very clear about something: No one, but no one enters the Holy Land until they learn how to form it themselves. Torah (Terra) teaches us how to do this. I can assure you that anyone who can do this has no need for atonement.

Likewise the Hebrew term
ספר has been misinterpreted as 'book'. It is not a book. It is a frontier.

The word
מספר has been mistranslated as number. In fact it says: from the frontier or the frontier from.

There are no abstract concepts in Torah. I'll say that again because you've been taught that “spiritual” is greater than actual. There are no abstracts and nothing “spiritual” in Torah. Everything in Torah is the translation of God in to actuality – Holy Actuality.

Our task is to learn how to reach a level of morality upon which we know how to focus the eye of our memory, the eyes of our imagination and the physical eyes to be able to create The Land. That is what Torah is about.

Anyone who is not learning Torah to the purpose of forming the Land of Israel is not learning Torah at all. Tell your Rabbis I told them that.

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