Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Mashiach isn't one person although HaMashiach is the Unity of Persons United in One Mind and One Heart of the Wisdom of Peace and true Love. HaMashiach is an actual City. It is where the Wise dwell in actualized Wisdom. That is where Happiness is. The entire City is made of Wisdom. Every stone, every grain of sand and every lump of Earth is Wisdom. Every building, every tool, every garment is Wisdom. The Residents of that Holy City are the embodiment of Wisdom.
The rains that fall on that City are Rains of Wisdom and the water the flowering of every increasing Wisdom.
That is David's City - and we are invited personally to live there as soon as we can take an honorable and contributing place in it.

עיר חכמה = 353 = עיר נביאי = עיר הנביאה = 

  גשמי = שמחה = 

עיר החכמה = 358 = משיח = הגשמי = גשמיה = השמחה = העיר נביאי = העיר הנביאה


מושגים מרכזיים בתורה

כפר = 300 = ש = רק* = כעיר


ספר = 340 = מכפר = שלי = שלדו

 = כל כפר = 350 = כפר אדמה = שכל

 נהיה עיר

רקיע = 380 = ממש = ישע = לכל כפר
משג = 343 = כפר גיל = כפר גדול

אפילו המלה מֻשג גשמי

 = דמיון = 760 = ימין = מקום דוד = שמות דוד = מקום הגו
 כפר אמת דוד= הגו כפר אמת = עצרת = עצם

  כל עיר = 330 = של

שלוש = 636 = כל עיר וכפר

ספירה = 355 = מחשבה = כל הכפר

 = ספירות = 756 = נון = שמותי = מחשבות
מקום אם ובת = 1755 = 756
= זאת אם מקום = זאת אתר מקום
 כל עולם

 = מקום = 746 = שמות = כפר האמת
 הארץ המבטחת לפניה = 1745 = 746

 = משיח = 358 = ובכל כפר
= נהיה אב העיר = נהיה בא העיר = העלץ בכל כפר
= 1357 = 358 = העלץ כפר אליהו
= העלץ כפר ישעיהו בן אמוץ = 3355 = 358
= הגשמי = גשמיה
= ספר העתיק הקדוש והעתיקה הקדושה

 2356 = 358

אם = 601 = אתר

 = בת = 402 = ארץ כפר = 1401 = 402
= עלץ ישעיהו = את העתיק הקדוש
 אלהינו מכל דור = כפר אהלינו

 = אחד = 13 = אהבה = הוא העתיק הקדוש
 1012 = 13 = העתיק הקדוש בי = העתיק הקדוש בטא

 = אחת = 409 = אבות = תבוא = בת כל ספר התורה
 1408 = 409


The most important thing that we will ever understand in Torah is that everything is meant to be actualized. There are no abstracts in Torah. There is nothing “spiritual” in Torah. Everything is meant to be actualized. Even Understanding isn't an abstract. Understanding is those who understand. Understand this!

Numbers are not abstracts. Principles are not abstracts. God's Divine Purpose in the Creation is to become the Creation. God wants to be actualized, to be real, to be palpable, to be touchable. More than anything God wants to be shared.

When God is actualized there is no room for evil. Evil can only exist in the ranges between God and actualization. The spiritual worlds are the worlds in which the demons can exist. The English word demon comes from the Hebrew דמיון, pronounced dimayon, which has been taken to mean imagination, and therefore only shadowy reality. When דמיון takes on its intended existence – as actual form, which is another, more correct meaning of the Hebrew דמיון, then it can only be actuality. Then dimayaon becomes Dominion. I will, with God's help, show the Hebrew proofs below.

Jewish mystics busied themselves with ספירות, pronounced s'pherot. It is usually translated as emanations. The word ספירות is equal to 756, which is also the gematria of מחשבות meaning thoughts.

Had the rabbis looked deeper, they would have seen that ספר is not only book, but, far more importantly and actually, a frontier. They would have understood that all of the highest principles are meant to become actualized frontiers – real villages and town and cities in which the dwellers embody and actualize those qualities and principles.
The would have seen the word שבות meaning actual settlement. Instead of floating around in the disembodied spheres in which unwholesome imaginings can live, they should have gone about the business of making the highest principles actual.

When someone embodies the qualities and principles dearest to God, there is no room in their mind for the error of thinking that someone else can be HaMashiach. They know they are HaMashiach – and they know that anyone who puts in the moral effort can be, is intended by God, to be HaMashiach too.

The Hebrew word שמות, pronounced sh'mot is Names. It is equal to the value 746, and, as such is equal to the Hebrew word מקום, which means place. I have said before that there are no characters for numbers in Hebrew, only their Names. That is to say that all the principles written into the Names of the Numbers are meant to be actualities. The word שמות, rendered as Names, is the value of the expression כפר האמת, which means the town of Truth. We are meant to be People of Truth who inhabit habitations of Truth.

True Torah is infinite concreteness, infinite actuality. That is what Einstein saw when he said that if we attain the speed of light, we attain infinite mass. He meant that when we attain the highest and truest levels of embodying the Wisdom of Torah – we become Infinite Realization, Infinite Actuality. We become God Actualized and this is an immeasurably higher level than God unactualized.

I will show the relevant chilufim (gematriot) directly above, with God's help. This is by no means exhaustive. I'll just show the basics for the time being.

Monday, November 27, 2017


The rabbis teach that the Mother and the Daughter are identical. Christian doctrine has it that the Father and the Son are one and the same.

Both are right. Problem is: neither of them put it all together and show the Identity of the Father, Mother, Son and Daughter.

The Hebrew, as we will see below, clearly says that they are all contained in one another.


זהות האב האם הבת והבן
 = אב = 3 = ג = בא = בתם = 1002 = 3
 בן מכל דור = בת כפר מכל דור
האב = 8 = את האם = 1007 = 8 = בת אדם
בן = 702 = בת מכל דור = בת כפר = אמי כל אם
 = הבן = 707 = אשתו = השבת = הבת מכל דור
בת הכפר

Israel passes through a number of stages in her maturing. 
First, she is the Daughter of God. 
She is also the Sister of God. 
Later, she becomes the Wife of God, this is when She becomes One with God. 
In the next stage, she becomes the Mother of God. 
I do not know what is beyond that stage.

In the chilufim of the Name and Place
שלום we see clearly that Peace is not an abstract concept. There are no abstract concepts in Torah. Peace is those who live in Peace and their dwelling places are Peace because they dwell therein.
Peace is God's actual place of dwelling in actual creation.
Those who are the actual embodiment of Peace cannot be told that someone else is the “Prince of Peace” or that Peace will come some time in the future.
The only sure guard against false religious teachings is to become God in a Body. Understand this.


שלום = 936 = אהלם כפר = אהלם כעיר
= של רות = כפר לרות = תבל נחמות = תבל מחנות
= בונה תבל אמת= פרי אלהים = פרי לדורות
 עירי לדורות

 = השלום = 941 = אמץ = אמתך = כל ספרי ישראל
= כל עפר ישראל = תבל הנחמות = תבל המחנות
 בונה תבל האמת
בשלום 938 = אהלם בכפר = אהלם שב

 = הוא שלום = 948 = חמץ = להגשים = אלהים שב
ברב אלהים = חדש אהלם

הוא השלום = 953 = מגשים


In the chilufim directly below we see that the word אני, pronounced ani and usually translated as I, is equal to the value of 61 and therefore נוה, which means an actual dwelling place. It is also equal to 1060, which is the same as 61, and thus is the word משכן, which is rendered as 'the tabernacle'. I am the tabernacle. I am the dwelling place. When we experience the I as the God's actual dwelling, we become God indwelling, which is God on Earth, God in Creation - and this is an immeasurably higher level than God uncreated.
When we get to that level, and we not only all can but are intended to; it is impossible to fool us with any ideas of someone else being HaMashiach. I am HaMashiach.

שלמה = 375 = שעה = עשה = אנשי דוד
 1374 = 375 = אני כפר דוד = כפר דוד משכן
   כפר נוה דוד = כפר נוה הגו = בכפר חכמה
 בכפר נביאי = בכפר הנביא =

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Understanding the Concept “Three” Correctly

Now that we have understood that there are no abstract concepts in Torah, and that includes moral principles and numbers, that all that is in Torah is meant to be actualized and become actual realities in which we live and dwell and interact; we are in the position to understand the “trinity” correctly.

Three is not an abstract number. It is a very real geographical and societal dwelling for real living Beings.

We were divested of our land by being made to believe in the “spiritual”. There is not “spiritual” in Torah. All is meant to be actual. Insofar as something is spiritual, it has not been actualized. If we are to regain our actual holdings, we will have to descend from the “spiritual” realms, which we are taught are more lofty and noble and represent greater intelligence than the actual – and become dwellers in the Land.

The very word 'spiritual' is an etymon of the Hebrew s'far – which we have seen is a frontier, not a book, but a very real frontier.

S'far, meaning frontier (ספר), is equal to 340, which is the value of the word שלי, which means mine. That is the value of the word מכפר, which literally means from the village, but was translated as “to make atonement” in order to get us on a disembodied trip and separate us from our Land.

So let us take a look at the word שלש in Torah, which is translated as three. And let us take a look at the word משֻלש, which is translated as three times or “trinity” and we will see what they actually say.

Another related concept that has been understood as being spiritual is רוח, pronounced ru'ach [guttural ch] and has been translated as breath or spirit. The Holy Spirit is all about actual holdings on Land, which, please God, I'll demonstrate in the Hebrew proofs below.

Friday, November 24, 2017

שמות מושגי הזמן הכוללים את האות ש

ראשית כל, שימו נא לב כי הבטוי אות ש הוא חלוף של המִלה אשתו
מזאת, נבין כי יסוד כפר [=300 = ש] הוא בנוי אשת הויה
עתה נראה את שמות כמה מושגי זמן כוללים את האות ש
שעה = 375 = שלמה = עשה

יום = 616 = התורה = דורות
שישו = שושי


שבת = בן = בת כפר

חדש = 312 = ישב

שנה = 355 = מחשבה

שנת שמטה = 1104 = 105 = עלה
העתיק הקדוש בארץ = 2103 = 105
עלץ בארץ = תם בארץ

שמות מושגי הזמן האלה הם מקומות. זמן הוא ממשי
שמות = 746 = מקום = כפר האמת
זמן = 747 = מקראות = להבין = מהשבת
מקום העתיק הקדוש = 1746
= 747 = שמות העתיק הקדוש = אנשי ממוש
= שיא כל ממוש

השמתם לב כי המִלה מֻשג אף היא כוללת את האות ש

Names of Periods of Time that Contain the Letter ש

Most of the names of time periods contain the letter
ש without having to do any gematriot. It's written in them. Thefore, because we understand that the letter ש equals 300 and therefore the word כפר, meaning village – those concepts of time are not abstracts but very real dwellings in which we are to live. We have to create those Holy dwelling places. The letter ש, as we have seen, is also equal to the root יצר, which means to form. The letter ש is contained in the root עשה, which means to make.

It should be noted that the Hebrew expression 'the letter
ש' is also equal to the word אשתו, which means his wife.

The creation is God's Wife and She is to be a perfect Mate for God. Torah is the creation of God's Mate – God in Actuality, which is higher than God not in actuality. Understand this~!

I will recopy the names of the times that contain the letter
ש below.

It should now be very clear that we are not involved with “atonement” or “expiation” or with ransoms. We are talking about the Creation.
The Letter ש

In advance of a deeper discussion, please look at the translation of the terms I'll post below that contain the letter ש.

Most of the problems in Christianity stem from the Rabbis not understanding the letter
ש. Because they did not understand what the letter ש, in every single word and numerical combination in which is appears really means, they got off on the tangents of “atonement” and “ransom” and “expiation”. Once we understand the letter ש correctly, we see that those concepts are milling water and we also see that the concept of the “trinity” is likewise nonsense because the letter ש appears twice in the Hebrew word שלש, which is simplistically rendered as three.

That letter has two pronunciations sh – when the diacritical point is on the right and s when the diacritical point is on the left. Let's not concern ourselves immediately with why that is.

What is immediately important is that both forms have the value of 300. That is the same value of the roots
יצר (pronounced yatzar) which means to form and כפר (pronounced c'far) which is mistranslated as atonement. Yes, translating כפר as atonement or expiation or ransom or any of the other abstract notions is a mistranslation. Torah is not about abstractions. Torah is all about settling in the Holy Land and teaches us how that is done. The Rabbis misinterpreted כפר as atonement and Yeshu took that most unfortunate and dark misinterpretation to it's worst extreme.

The root
כפר means a village; a small, intimate town – one in which the residents all know one another very well. It is also numerically equivalent to the expression כעיר which mean as a city, and is equal to viewed a city and a city celebrated. I'll show the Hebrew proofs below.

Even the famous
כפורים (Kippurim) is not about atonement. The very same value of the word כפורים which is 916 is the value of the name of the Holy City חברון (Hebron).

Let me be very clear about something: No one, but no one enters the Holy Land until they learn how to form it themselves. Torah (Terra) teaches us how to do this. I can assure you that anyone who can do this has no need for atonement.

Likewise the Hebrew term
ספר has been misinterpreted as 'book'. It is not a book. It is a frontier.

The word
מספר has been mistranslated as number. In fact it says: from the frontier or the frontier from.

There are no abstract concepts in Torah. I'll say that again because you've been taught that “spiritual” is greater than actual. There are no abstracts and nothing “spiritual” in Torah. Everything in Torah is the translation of God in to actuality – Holy Actuality.

Our task is to learn how to reach a level of morality upon which we know how to focus the eye of our memory, the eyes of our imagination and the physical eyes to be able to create The Land. That is what Torah is about.

Anyone who is not learning Torah to the purpose of forming the Land of Israel is not learning Torah at all. Tell your Rabbis I told them that.
האות ש
ש = 300 = כפר = כעיר = יצר = מהנהר = חזה עיר
שמ = 340 =שלי = ספר = מכפר = הנה עיר





נחש = 358 = משיח

שמות = 746 = מקום







שלש = 630 = בחיים =חוגגים


שלשה = 635 = הוגגים

שלושה = 641 = הלום = לתורה

   חמש = 348 = מרחק = מושב = שמח

חמשה = 353 = שמחה = גשמי

שש  = 600 = ם = תר = יצר כפר


ששת = 1000 = 1 = א (זאת האות א' באחת, אחד ובארבע וארבעה)שבע

שמנה = 395 = משנה = נשמה




עשר = 570 = שער = מלך = לי לך

עשרה = 575 = המלך = השער

שערים = 1180 = 181 = כפר ערים = יצר ערים = אפק

ישב = 312 = חדש

יבשה = 317 = חדשה = החדש = שטח


פרוש = 586 = יוצר עיר = כפר ועיר

וְעַל אֹצְרוֹת הַמֶּלֶךְ, עַזְמָוֶת בֶּן-עֲדִיאֵל;  {סוְעַל הָאֹצָרוֹת בַּשָּׂדֶה בֶּעָרִים וּבַכְּפָרִים, וּבַמִּגְדָּלוֹת, יְהוֹנָתָן, בֶּן-עֻזִּיָּהוּ.  - ספר דברי הימים א' כ"ז:כ"ה

Thursday, November 23, 2017

פענוח שמות ומושגים מרכזיים בנצרות
סודות עמוקים של היהדות המקורית מוסתרים בשמות, בספורים ובמושגים המרכזיים בנצרות. אינני אומרת כי הנצרות, כפי שהיא מובנת וכתובה ביוונית ובתרגומים הנגזרים מהיוונית, נכונה. הנצרות, כמו התלמוד, היא מסוה ומסתור של היהדות המקורית, הקבלה האמתית.
יש גם צורך לפענח את הכתוב בתלמוד הבבלי והירושלמי. אשאיר עבודה זאת ללומדים אותם. הלומדים תלמוד מסוגלים לפענח את התלמוד בשמוש הגמטריות. עדיף שהם יעשו זאת בעצמם.
אולם, הנוצרים אינם מסוגלים לפענח את הספורים של הנצרות, ואי-הבנתם גורם לעוותים בארג התבל.
הזמן הגיע לנסות ולגלות את האמת הטמונה בנצרות. כידוע, הנסיונות לגלות את האמת נכשלו בדורות הקודמים. לפי התגובות אדע אם להמשיך לגלות את האמת המוסתרת בנצרות או, שמא, גם דור זה אינו מוכן.

החלופים הבאים אף הם מסווים של אמתות עוד יותר עמוקות. יחד עם זאת, אסיר כמה הנומות.
היהודים והנוצרים יראו מושגים מוכרים להם בחלופים הבאים וגם יראו הבנות זרות להם. החלופים באים כדי לגלות את האמת, לא לרצות או להצדיק אי-הבנות. גם היהודים וגם הנוצרים עלולים להתאכזב מן הגלויים ואינני מתכוונת להתנצל על האמת שתתגלה.
בכל מקום בו אות סופית כתובה בחלופים הבאים, שם הכוונה היא לערך של האות הסופית.
כאשר עושים חלופים אנו נזהרים לאיית את השמות והמונחים כפי שם כתובים בחומש. כמו כן, אין להוסיף אמות הקריאה ללא טעם.
מרים = 850 = שתי עיני = תכלת = תמתי
יוסף = 876 = ערום = הנה דברים
= עולם שמחה עליון = 1875 = 876
עולם גשמי עליון = דברים עולם שמחה
= דברים עולם גשמי

ישוע =386 = ממוש = מהמקרא = ספר תהלים
= 1385 = 386

ישועה = 391 = פה אשה = פה שמי השמים
= 1390 = 391

נצר = 340 = מיצר = ספר = כל פרי
זרע נביא

בתולה = 443 = מתג = גלית = חג תבל
חג לבת

משיח = 358 = נחש = נשבו = נשוב
שבנו = קרב להויה = ספר חי

צלב = 122 = לב יודע = לב מוליד
מול לב דוד = לב דוד מלא = זלפה

מסמרים = 950 = שמים = ספרים
= נצרים = נצר האדם = נצר עמך = כל עולם צדק
זר = 207 = רז = אור = דבר העתיק הקדוש
= 1206 = 207 = ראה העתיק הקדוש = אדבר

קוצים = 806 = ציון = משכילות = עין הויה

זר קוצים = 1013 = 14 = דוד = הגו
= אור עין הויה

    גּוֹי - שעור בקריאת תושב"ע מתוך תושב"כ