Basic Tips for Real Torah
The fact that HaShem speaks mostly in the masculine form is not
because HaShem is male or should be referred to in the masculine. It is because
men need more explicit instruction. So, HaShem speaks to you in language you
will understand best. It is meant to help you to identify with HaShem, not to
make HaShem identify with your ego.
Thinking of HaShem as masculine is one of the reasons that the
blight of Christianity was brought on the world. Another reason is because the
rabbis have no idea Who Mashaich Is.
We are not trapped in a world of physicality. The physical world is
the highest Heaven and God’s greatest accomplishment. Those who say otherwise
are ingrates.
We are not "spiritual". Spirituality is avodah zarah in
the ordinary meaning of the terms [idol worship].
The Rabbis are lost in downtown Pumbeditha, wandering around in the
alley ways of Babylon babbling and raving.
The rabbis sound caring, and I'm sure you mean to be, but they have
no idea Who They Are.
The rabbis have not asked HaShem for the Torah Truth. They trust their rabbinical teachers, who are even more confused than they are.
The rabbis have not asked HaShem for the Torah Truth. They trust their rabbinical teachers, who are even more confused than they are.
The rabbis cannot lead you to Yerushalayim, because they don’t know
where it is. They can only lead you to downtown Pumbeditha or to Sura west, at
best, or to Donmeh at worst.
The rabbis have led the Jews to every kind of misery - mostly
because of simple foolishness, not real evil. Yet, the damage was, and is, done
by Babylonian heresy and distortions of true Torah. How long will you follow
those who lead you to misery, poverty, persecution, confusion, to a state that demands
that you go to war to survive and to a life of continuous uncertainly? How long will you continue to trust those who
have led you from one perdition to the next for upwards of 2500 years?
If you need to teach Torah to make a living, you may be sure you're
not really real yet. None of you rabbis are.
Torah is not theater. You rabbis are performing. Torah is not about
pathos. That’s Greek theater. Your prima donna performances may give “inspiration”
to many who are frightened because they have not developed discernment. But
those who know true Torah are not aroused to sentimentality by histrionics and
heart string plucking.
Emunah is trustworthiness, not faith. Become trustworthy. If you
speak of faith, it means you do not know.
Rabbis: Do you want your students to develop real discernment for
themselves, or do you want them to buy your next book or tape or invite you to
lecture again? If you love them, do not make them dependent upon you. Find the way to walking with one’s God, show others
the Way and then leave them the hell alone.
Rabbinic Judaism is to real Torah as canned fruit-flavored soft
drinks are to organic fruit. It does not quench the thirst for Torah Truth and
gives no real nourishment. It is not wholesome. It is not pure. Rabbinic
interpretation may contain 5% reconstituted Torah for flavor [or it may not and
may be synthetically flavored], but it is mostly: tap water, processed sugar,
flavor enhancers and noxious chemical preservatives. It only leaves people
thirsty for more. Marketing experts know this technique well.
The entire purpose to learning Torah and doing the mitzvot correctly,
[not ceremonially!] is to envision, create, form, actualize and, most of all, settle
in Eretz YisraEl [The Land of Israel] in Peace. How, then, can rabbis, who were
banished from Eretz YisraEl and spat out to Babylon precisely because of their
sins, teach Torah from Babylon?! Let us call the rabbinic Babylonian ruse out
for what it is – the progenitor of all that is fake in the world.
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