Sheridan's Video: Lucifer
Could Liberate You
is so much I would like to say in response to this video, but I'm
forced to boil it down to a few sentences precisely because there is
so much to say - like all of History.
key to understanding correctly is not to think dualistically.
Remember the Jews are absolute Monotheists.
the uncreated level Satan tired of all evil and became Good. The
Creation itself is the celebration of that Accomplishment.
The Jews are Satan who has undertaken to become God in the Creation, which is the Highest of the Heaven because it is Actual, and so the transformation is all the more difficult - because it is. All of our Torah is that process.
All of our labor in understanding that which sounds evil in Torah, but contains hidden good, is that process. Hebrew is devised to allow us to do just that. Once Torah is translated into any other language, that which can only be seen in Hebrew is lost, unless someone who understands Hebrew breaks it down in another language. But you have no direct access to that for the time being. One of the effects of the final rectification is the ability to reveal Torah in all of the languages. We haven't gotten there yet. We are getting close.
All of history is the process of Satan SelfTransforming into Goodness.
To glorify pain is a major error. Even the word for pain in Hebrew is God comes.
The transformation reaches very high levels precisely when the pain is transformed to joy. Pain is an indication that the level is still very low. Joy is the sign that we are making serious progress.
The Hebrew word for light is equal to the Hebrew word for rectification. It's not about light, per se. It's about rectification. Physical light is a function of the level of the Rectification. All wave phenomena are functions of Morality - from very low to very high. It's not about "energy". It's about Morality.
The highest level of God is not that which is good in and of itself, but that which was evil and repented of evil, having understood there is no rest in evil, nothing to be gained from it and that it is only endless vexation.
The final stage of the Rectification is taking no pleasure whatsoever in evil. This is the level we call Ba'al HaTshuvah [masculine singular] or Ba'alat HaTshuvah [ feminine singular]- The Master of Repentance, The Master of the Return [from the paths that lead nowhere].
The highest level of God is the Unification of all of the Ba'alei Tshuvah - all those who have made the entire journey and succeeded Together.
The Jews are Satan who has undertaken to become God in the Creation, which is the Highest of the Heaven because it is Actual, and so the transformation is all the more difficult - because it is. All of our Torah is that process.
All of our labor in understanding that which sounds evil in Torah, but contains hidden good, is that process. Hebrew is devised to allow us to do just that. Once Torah is translated into any other language, that which can only be seen in Hebrew is lost, unless someone who understands Hebrew breaks it down in another language. But you have no direct access to that for the time being. One of the effects of the final rectification is the ability to reveal Torah in all of the languages. We haven't gotten there yet. We are getting close.
All of history is the process of Satan SelfTransforming into Goodness.
To glorify pain is a major error. Even the word for pain in Hebrew is God comes.
The transformation reaches very high levels precisely when the pain is transformed to joy. Pain is an indication that the level is still very low. Joy is the sign that we are making serious progress.
The Hebrew word for light is equal to the Hebrew word for rectification. It's not about light, per se. It's about rectification. Physical light is a function of the level of the Rectification. All wave phenomena are functions of Morality - from very low to very high. It's not about "energy". It's about Morality.
The highest level of God is not that which is good in and of itself, but that which was evil and repented of evil, having understood there is no rest in evil, nothing to be gained from it and that it is only endless vexation.
The final stage of the Rectification is taking no pleasure whatsoever in evil. This is the level we call Ba'al HaTshuvah [masculine singular] or Ba'alat HaTshuvah [ feminine singular]- The Master of Repentance, The Master of the Return [from the paths that lead nowhere].
The highest level of God is the Unification of all of the Ba'alei Tshuvah - all those who have made the entire journey and succeeded Together.
see the Chilufim in the next post.
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