Christianity and Islam are God's Confrontation
of the Rabbis with their Own Heresy Taken to its Logical Conclusions
The Rabbis could have easily
shut the Christians mouths in its inception were they willing to give up their
own lies.
The Prophetic, not the rabbinic, tradition shuts Christianity's lies down easily.
But the rabbis would not give up Babylon.
So, God gave them Islam as a two-fer. Hopefully, the added pressure would drive the rabbis inward to seek the truth. But no...
It is precisely because the rabbis had minimized, and even outright rejected the teachings of the very Prophets who served as models and bases for the Yeshua figure and could not see the truth of those same narratives relayed correctly, because they were too busy with the Talmud that they could not roundly and quickly put the lie to Christianity.
Who better to defeat the claims of Christianity than the Prophets Yishayahu, Yirmiyah and Yechezkel themselves who are the real item? But one has to walk in their footsteps and be attached to them Body and Soul to do so. One has to know them intimately and learn Torah as they do in order to recognize the sham. One has to be their loyal Son or Daughter to know their Hearts.
Christians and later Muslims confronted the rabbis with their own BS in a magnifying mirror. But the rabbis still could not give up their heresies. They had caked the mud of Babylon on thick and baked it on and could not longer crack through it. Neither did they really want to.
Had the rabbis been willing to be Torah-true and really real, the Christians and Muslims would have surrendered in Peace and accepted the Truth willingly.
It's like in any relationship. I can't ask you to knock of your BS and drop your mask, if I'm not willing to do the same.
The Prophetic, not the rabbinic, tradition shuts Christianity's lies down easily.
But the rabbis would not give up Babylon.
So, God gave them Islam as a two-fer. Hopefully, the added pressure would drive the rabbis inward to seek the truth. But no...
It is precisely because the rabbis had minimized, and even outright rejected the teachings of the very Prophets who served as models and bases for the Yeshua figure and could not see the truth of those same narratives relayed correctly, because they were too busy with the Talmud that they could not roundly and quickly put the lie to Christianity.
Who better to defeat the claims of Christianity than the Prophets Yishayahu, Yirmiyah and Yechezkel themselves who are the real item? But one has to walk in their footsteps and be attached to them Body and Soul to do so. One has to know them intimately and learn Torah as they do in order to recognize the sham. One has to be their loyal Son or Daughter to know their Hearts.
Christians and later Muslims confronted the rabbis with their own BS in a magnifying mirror. But the rabbis still could not give up their heresies. They had caked the mud of Babylon on thick and baked it on and could not longer crack through it. Neither did they really want to.
Had the rabbis been willing to be Torah-true and really real, the Christians and Muslims would have surrendered in Peace and accepted the Truth willingly.
It's like in any relationship. I can't ask you to knock of your BS and drop your mask, if I'm not willing to do the same.
Here's a perfect and simple
example. Yeshua is quoted as saying "I am Alpha and Omega" in the
Book of Revelation.
What you don't know is, that the Gematria of the Prophet Yishayahu's Name is aleph [alpha] tav [the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, which is omega in Greek]. You can hear how close Yishayahu is to Yeshua. The Name Yishayahu contains Yeshua. Yeshua was modelled after passages in Yishayahu and the name was shortened so that the identity would not be immediately apparent.
ישעיהו = 401 = את
You do not know the the beginning, Bereisheet, is Feminine too.
And 'the end', HaTachlit, is too.
Now the Hebrew word את, a number of things at once. It is a word that means with. It is a word that relates to an object. And it is the work At, which mean You in the Feminine Singular in Hebrew.
In all places in which the Gematria of the Name Yishayahu appears, Israel is being addressed in the Feminine Singular.
The rabbis did everything they could to cover the Feminine in Torah.
They even made Yeshuah into a masculine concept.
ישועה = 391 = פה אשה
They did not teach that Torah is You [At] are Pregnant.
They did not teach that the Name Elohim is equal to the word מדברת, which means speaks in the Feminine singular. So everywhere we see the Name of God and Elohim after it, Torah is saying that God is speaking in the Feminine singular. That and more. The Name Elohim is equal to the expression the Jewish Woman who is Mother.
אלהים = 646 = מדברת = אם היהודיה = כתר הויה
The rabbis were so insistent upon their Babylon and their male supremacy and the shutting down of the true Prophetic Tradition, which is Feminine, that they allowed Christianity to continue without the lie being put to it once and for all - because putting the lie to Christianity necessitates putting the lie to the rabbis interpretations.
חכמה = 73 = נביאי = הנביאה
נבואה = 69 = אבינו = הוא בנה = הדס = דינה
What you don't know is, that the Gematria of the Prophet Yishayahu's Name is aleph [alpha] tav [the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, which is omega in Greek]. You can hear how close Yishayahu is to Yeshua. The Name Yishayahu contains Yeshua. Yeshua was modelled after passages in Yishayahu and the name was shortened so that the identity would not be immediately apparent.
ישעיהו = 401 = את
You do not know the the beginning, Bereisheet, is Feminine too.
And 'the end', HaTachlit, is too.
Now the Hebrew word את, a number of things at once. It is a word that means with. It is a word that relates to an object. And it is the work At, which mean You in the Feminine Singular in Hebrew.
In all places in which the Gematria of the Name Yishayahu appears, Israel is being addressed in the Feminine Singular.
The rabbis did everything they could to cover the Feminine in Torah.
They even made Yeshuah into a masculine concept.
ישועה = 391 = פה אשה
They did not teach that Torah is You [At] are Pregnant.
They did not teach that the Name Elohim is equal to the word מדברת, which means speaks in the Feminine singular. So everywhere we see the Name of God and Elohim after it, Torah is saying that God is speaking in the Feminine singular. That and more. The Name Elohim is equal to the expression the Jewish Woman who is Mother.
אלהים = 646 = מדברת = אם היהודיה = כתר הויה
The rabbis were so insistent upon their Babylon and their male supremacy and the shutting down of the true Prophetic Tradition, which is Feminine, that they allowed Christianity to continue without the lie being put to it once and for all - because putting the lie to Christianity necessitates putting the lie to the rabbis interpretations.
חכמה = 73 = נביאי = הנביאה
נבואה = 69 = אבינו = הוא בנה = הדס = דינה
= בת
תורה כלה = 1068 = 69
It was all written in Greek so
as to hide the Hebrew underpinnings and make them inaccessible. The rabbis also
intentionally and unintentionally rendered words incorrectly. Having rejected
the Prophetic Tradition, they could no longer attain GodConsciousness and were
dependent upon their memories of what they had heard from former generations.
They themselves no longer had direct experience of being in a Prophetic state
of consciousness.
From there, the mangled Greek was translated into Latin, then German, then English.
And Christians think that the King James version is definitive!
It's pulp fiction in 4th generation translation.
Even that which is true in the Christian bible, as there is truth in it because some key truths were coded into it to be kept separate from the Talmud, has been so damped down, it is like hearing through a wall and seeing through four curtains.
From there, the mangled Greek was translated into Latin, then German, then English.
And Christians think that the King James version is definitive!
It's pulp fiction in 4th generation translation.
Even that which is true in the Christian bible, as there is truth in it because some key truths were coded into it to be kept separate from the Talmud, has been so damped down, it is like hearing through a wall and seeing through four curtains.
Thank you