Monday, May 7, 2018

Meditating in the Book of Revelation brings you to a world in which there is nothing but dark revelation.

Meditating on the Book of Revelations brings one to a world in which there is nothing but hellish revelations that go on and on. You think there will be Peace and relief at their conclusion. But the conclusion never comes and Peace eludes you. There is only more revelation of increasingly horrific things, but there is no relief. Peace does not come.
You keep getting promises that you are approaching the end of the horror. Just one more revelation of something more shocking and revolting and Soul scarring than any shock and disgust before, and it will all be over. But it's not over. Is it?

You inherited the hell you wished for "non-believers". You did not know that when you signed onto a belief system whose central teachings was hell for others, you yourself became that other.

Yet God has mercy. Turn to God and ask for the way out of where you are. I mean God. No junior partners.
You are in no position to state the terms of your salvation. Just honestly, plainly and simply ask God, without preconditions and without preconceptions, to help you.

"Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold, and see the recompense of the wicked... There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy tent."
This is so true. I would recommend that you read the whole Psalm.

What it does not say is that it hurts terribly to look around and see so Christians suffering the tortures of the damned because they engaged in idol worship, ascribed lies to the God of Israel and thought they had taken the Jews' place in God's Heart.

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