This blog is dedicated to the decoding of the central concepts, names and narratives in Christianity using the gematriot.
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Friday, November 26, 2021
Secret Chapters
Chapter 53 in the Book of Yisayahu
is not a secret or hidden chapter. The Chapter is clearly speaking
about the Prophet himself.
There are secret, in the sense of
overlooked, verses, however, that all the Rabbis ignore. They are:
Yishayahu 60:1-2 and 21 and Chapter 4 in the Prophet Micah, the
Prophet Yishayahu's contemporary. In those passages it is clear
that HaMashiach is Female - not just one particular Female, but
Jewish Femininity is its full bloom. That is what neither the
Rabbinic heresy or it's disowned bastard child, the Christian heresy
can accept.
Both of your heresies are locked in battle because
neither of you can accept the Torah Truth.
גּוֹי - שעור בקריאת תושב"ע מתוך תושב"כ

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