Monday, May 24, 2021



Israel is Anywhere Peace is Made by the Inhabitants

Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of the seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the bruise of His people, and healeth the stroke of their wound. - Isaiah 30:26
The sun shall be no more thy light by day, neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee; but the LORD shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory. 20 Thy sun shall no more go down, Neither shall thy moon withdraw itself; for the LORD shall be thine everlasting light, - Isaiah 60:19
Isaiah's name is Yishayahu. He is the Prophet after whom the figure you know as Yeshu was modelled.
I warn you Christians you will not be able to tolerate this level of revelation of the God of Israel at all. This is immeasurably more intense than the Yellowstone caldera. Have no illusions that this is talking about you, Christians. It is not. It is addressed to Israel about you. It is our healing from the rampage you Christians ran over Earth and your abominable interpretations. And have no illusions that Yeshu will save you. He despises your churches even more than most Jews do because you have made him the center and subject of your abomination. He is fully with his People, Israel.
Your pride and the delusions you cherish will cost you dearly if you do not jettison them.

Thursday, May 20, 2021


לברוא ליצור ולעשות שלום תכלית התורה


Thursday, May 13, 2021

Thursday, May 6, 2021



דחית נשי ישראל ע"י הממסד הרבנים אינה למען הצניעות או סתם "אגו".

היא זדונית.


באיזשהו מקום הרבנים יודעים כי:


משיח = 358 = ההגשמה = בכל אשה

= כל אשה הרצון = 1357 = 358

אנחנו נשי ישראל היסוד = 1101 = 102 = ארץ
= נחש עץ הדעת טוב ורע = 2100 = 102
 משיח עץ הדעת טוב ורע = עץ הדעת טוב ורע ההגשמה

הרבנים אינם רוצים הגשמת רצון ה'. הם אוהבים את המצב הבבלי ומתכוונים להנציח אותו. מדובר ברשע איום ונורא. הם יודעים כי רמת תלמוד התורה שלהם יוצרת עולם מעוות וארעי. וכך הם רוצים שהוא ימשיך להיות כי כך הם יכולים לשלוט. עלינו להעלות את רמת תלמוד התורה עד כדי כך שזדוניים אינם יכולים למצוא מקום בבריאה בכלל.




Monday, May 3, 2021




I went to sleep emotionally exhausted from the tragedy that occurred in Meron.
I woke to the sound of an explosion. Then another, and another...4 in all.
Gas balloons, according to the report, blew up in a building near a medical clinic on the street parallel to ours.
The Prophets warned that the coming of HaMashiach would be experienced as darkness by those who did not prepare themselves for the Revelation of God in Creation.
This is the version of those who did not prepare themselves by learning Torah properly, but learned Babylonian pap and astrology and mind control and witchcraft instead because they liked it better than Torah.
It is upon the interpretations of these same Jewish apostates that the Christian concept of HaMashiach is based. And so you Christians too experience HaMashiach as HaMashchit - the destroyer.


Search: Explosion & fire in Safed City Israel انفجار در صفد


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