This blog is dedicated to the decoding of the central concepts, names and narratives in Christianity using the gematriot.
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Friday, November 26, 2021
Secret Chapters
Chapter 53 in the Book of Yisayahu
is not a secret or hidden chapter. The Chapter is clearly speaking
about the Prophet himself.
There are secret, in the sense of
overlooked, verses, however, that all the Rabbis ignore. They are:
Yishayahu 60:1-2 and 21 and Chapter 4 in the Prophet Micah, the
Prophet Yishayahu's contemporary. In those passages it is clear
that HaMashiach is Female - not just one particular Female, but
Jewish Femininity is its full bloom. That is what neither the
Rabbinic heresy or it's disowned bastard child, the Christian heresy
can accept.
Both of your heresies are locked in battle because
neither of you can accept the Torah Truth.
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Friday, September 17, 2021
Monday, May 24, 2021
Israel is Anywhere Peace is Made by the Inhabitants
Thursday, May 6, 2021
דחית נשי ישראל ע"י הממסד הרבנים אינה למען הצניעות או סתם
היא זדונית.
באיזשהו מקום הרבנים יודעים כי:
משיח = 358 = ההגשמה = בכל אשה
= כל אשה הרצון = 1357 = 358
הרבנים אינם רוצים הגשמת רצון ה'. הם אוהבים את המצב הבבלי ומתכוונים
להנציח אותו. מדובר ברשע איום ונורא. הם יודעים כי רמת תלמוד התורה שלהם יוצרת
עולם מעוות וארעי. וכך הם רוצים שהוא ימשיך להיות כי כך הם יכולים לשלוט. עלינו
להעלות את רמת תלמוד התורה עד כדי כך שזדוניים אינם יכולים למצוא מקום בבריאה בכלל.
Monday, May 3, 2021
Search: Explosion & fire in Safed City Israel انفجار در صفد
on YouTube
Thursday, April 29, 2021
There are many Rabbis who are trying desperately to prevent “Jews” from becoming Christians.
They are trying to keep alive those who are
not viable enough to remain Jews. I don't agree with them. We certainly have to
protect Jewish Children from missionaries. But if, as adults, some wander off,
it is better to let them go.
We Jews must accept that some "Jews" are born so morally weak and
whose character is so frail that they will die, as Jews, before making the
complete journey. Some of them will become Christians.
Just as no fish can be fooled that alcohol is water, so no real Jew can be
fooled that Christianity is our true Tradition. Those who leave never were
The time of the separation of the wheat from the chaff has come. I am not glad
to see that so many "Jews" are becoming Christians, but I understand
this is a necessary phase in our ultimate Aliyah because the weak of every
species must fall away. This is the way of survival of the fittest. If someone
is not strong enough to make the full arduous Jewish journey, they will remain
at the level that they can handle.
If "Jews" become Christians they never were meant to be Jews. They may
have had the merits of their Ancestors that gave them a chance to be Jews, and
so they were born Jews, but they never had the strength to make it to the top
of HaShem's mountain and we should accept their leaving Torah with the relief
of good riddance. They would have been a millstone around our necks and would
have made our journey harder. Let them go. We know they won't find Peace. They
will find whatever substitute for Peace is enough for them.
The truth is, the Rabbis likewise have embraced the Talmud, laced with
Babylonian influences as it, because they too could not hack the full force of
real Prophetic Torah.
Thursday, April 22, 2021
גּוֹי - שעור בקריאת תושב"ע מתוך תושב"כ

LUCIFER WAS INVENTED BY THE RABBIS TO KEEP US AWAY FROM THE PROPHETIC TRADITION The equivocation between HaSatan and Lucifer was deliberate...
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