Thursday, October 18, 2018

 - Required Reading

Most of the stuff written about the Freemasons and the Vatican and the Jewish connection is garbled nonsense - a heady mixture of truth, half-truth, lies, damn lies and hallucination. But this is absolutely critical reading: See especially the section: THE NEW KABBALAH
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Monday, October 8, 2018

There Are Reason Why 
the Jews Were Chosen to Be the Keepers and Guardians of HaShem’s Torah

Everything you have every heard, seen or experienced - including what you are now reading and including your most cherished traditions and what you consider to be the highest wisdom, has arrived at your senses and your mind and emotions as garbled Hebrew.

All Human languages are Hebrew that was shattered as a result of actions that the Body never should have engaged in.
We inherit the merits and the sins of our Ancestors. That may not seem fair, but it gives us the opportunity to correct their deeds for them.

The only language that has all of the keys to the Kingdom of God intact and whole is Hebrew.

The Jews are the Keepers of those Keys. It is of no consequence if you like this or not, think it's fair or not, think we deserve this Station or not. It doesn't matter even if we agree with you on that. This is God's decision.

If there is Wisdom we do not share with you, matters we ask you not to try to touch with your minds shattered as they are by your languages, if we tell you not to touch that which you are not meant to - trust us that we are not engaging in a superiority trip, being mean or being stingy. We have no such petty sentiments.

We are keeping what is meant for you in trust accounts for you until you are ready to draw on them. You will not be allowed access to your trust accounts until such time as you are mature enough to use what is in them wisely and well.

If we ask you not to try to understand our Torah in your languages, if we tell you not to try to arrogate our Tradition, if we tell you that you do not yet possess the Holy Spirit which enlivens Hebrew and makes the letters become matter and Life itself - believe us. It will not help you to try to ape us. You can huff and puff on a few mispronounced Hebrew words or try to write Hebrew [incorrectly] - but it will avail you nothing but feeling inauthentic.

As I said, you will not be allowed access to your trust accounts until you are ready. Trying to take them by force as a result of curiosity or any desire for yourself, or even others, not commensurate with that level of Wisdom will extend that time that you are not ready indefinitely.
You will not be able to inherit that which you tried to steal. You can not be gifted the priceless jewels of Wisdom you think are already in your possession, when in fact all you have is a bauble or a counterfeit.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Anyone who speaks of Mashiach arriving, or returning, in the future is a scoundrel. 
Run! Their blindness is contagious.

If they were not a scoundrel, Mashiach would not be cloaked before them so as not to be seen.

    גּוֹי - שעור בקריאת תושב"ע מתוך תושב"כ