Thursday, July 26, 2018



The exchange values in the post below demonstrate what I think is a far fuller understanding of what Adam Kadmon is that what is obliquely discussed by the rabbis and the wishful thinking of the Christians looking only for justification of their interpretations.
The rabbis did not elucidate the fact that the Name Adam, begins and ends with the name Em - Mother, as does Elohim.
Elohim Is: These Are HaAdam.
While one of the values for Adam Kadmon is in fact Miriam is pregnant, there is much, much more that has been ignored - either intentionally or because the rabbis and Christians could not see deeply into the matter.
I have only shown *some* of the Chilufim. I could go on and on - endlessly actually.
I have endeavored to show many different kinds of revelations on the matter so that you can see this is extremely deep and wide and cannot be limited to one cherry-picked, single meaning interpretation.

You can also find the exchange values on my FB group: DECODING CHRIATIANITY

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat

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