Thursday, January 4, 2018


To understand what Torah is, we have to learn the meaning the term
ספר תורה (Pronounced Sefer Torah), and only partially translated as the Book of Torah) really means.

Torah is terra. It is Land. It is actual, fertile Land that beings can live on.

Now what is
ספר? The root S-P-R or S-F-R means book and number and to relate and, most important of all it means Frontier.

Real Torah is the translation of the Books of Torah into the Frontiers of Terra - making the dry dust of the Book into rich and fertile Land by breathing (aSPiRe) our Heart and Soul into it.

There is more that needs to be understood initially.
תורה (Torah [terra]) is equal to 611, which is the value of the term את הרה, which means You are pregnant.

The word
תלמוד, learning and pronounced Talmud, is an anagram for the word מולדת, which means Land of one's Birth.

It was precisely because the rabbis learned the book they invented, the Babylonian Talmud, which is not the real Torah, which involves actual birth, which men cannot bring about, that they created this warp in reality that we live in - Babylon.

The rabbis blasphemed against the Feminine aspect of HaShem. They intrpreted everything in Torah that had to do with the Female, negatively. They tried to take over the Female role (which led to all kinds of distortions, including sexual and gender ambiguity in Humans) and tried to do what they are not able to do. The world they generate is not birthed normally and it is horrifically deformed.

That is all being edited now and the world is returning to what it is supposed to be as generated by The Five Books of Moses as interpreted by the Prophets.

I'd like to clear up the "Khazarian" obfuscation. I hope this puts the matter to rest. The problem is not that the Khazars converted. The problem is that the rabbis who converted them were not practicing authentic Judaism and, as such, did not have the authority to convert them. They were not converted to Judaism, but to the rabbinic heresy.
There is nothing wrong with being a convert. It is a great honor to be a convert. Avraham and Sarah were converts. Ruth was a convert. Converts are actually on a higher level than born Jews. However, the people who convert must be converting to the real way of Torah, which is not the rabbinic way. So, none of the rabbis converts are Jews, as the rabbis themselves do not keep Torah.
And, Christians must realize too, that everything that the Christians have been taught about the Messiah is likewise rabbinic heresy. The Gentiles were utterly reliant on the rabbis' translations and interpretations - which were grossly in error.
Islam too is based on the same very deliberate misconstruing of Torah on the part of the rabbis. The rabbis found the moral demands of living in the reality that is called the Land of Israel too demanding. So, they decided to create a new world order - Babylon. To do this, they changed the meanings of the terms in Torah and injected negativity where none exists.
There is no death in Torah, no sin, no calls to war, no rape, no punishment. All of those interpretations are the workings of dark imaginings on the part of the rabbis. And, you Christians, be honest. You like those dark imaginings. You have a real taste for them too, no less than the rabbis and the Muslims.
But none of that is Torah at all.
All in Torah is Peace and Life and Joy and Freedom and Birth and Growth - the infinite variations thereof. To live in the Land in Israel one must be able to see Torah through the mistaken interpretations and erroneous connotations. It is the special kind of penetrating vision that only the pure of heart have. That same vision is what makes the Holy Land become apparent - in actuality here on Earth.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Think of your religion or belief system as canned soup or a ready-made shirt you found on a shelf.

It was convenient to just add water and heat the soup up, at first, to have it ready made for you. But ultimately, it was not very nourishing and even proved poisonous.
It was easy to just put on the ready-made shirt, but it never really fit you just so.
You are not being offerred the opportunity to create reality yourself – from scratch. It’s more work, but it’s much, much more satisfying and healthy – and, most of all, it's yours. You're building it.
That is the secret of the Building of the Temple.
Enjoy your new Home! And may you have many happy eternities in it with wonderful, loving Guests.

    גּוֹי - שעור בקריאת תושב"ע מתוך תושב"כ